Solutions > Advanced Tamper Detection

Advanced Tamper Detection

IDmission's cascading Machine Learning models detect fraudulent IDs, deepfakes, digital edits, text changes and photo substitutions.

Advance Tamper Detection

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Document Verification

Document Verification

Document Verification Basic requirements for effective Document Verification include:
1. Document detection in complex backgrounds
2. Document extraction, cropping, rotation
3. Detection of primary face, secondary face, MRZ, bar code on document images, front and back
4. Extract data from Machine readable formats (Machine readable zones, bar codes, NFC chips)
5. Accurate OCR of all data
6. Validate Data format and check digits when available
7. Match data extracted from document front with data from machine  readable formats
8. Detect presence of national symbols and security features
9. Verify document against issuer databases when available.

Advanced Document Verification Technology addresses numerous new and emerging attack vectors that must be detected and countered.

BPCER - Bona fide Presentation Classification Error Rate
APCER - Attack Presentation Classification Error Rate

Attack Vector Presentation Counter Measures Key Metrics
Photoshop tamper of photo or text. Physical document not present. Photoshop tamper

Physical valid document not present
Capture technology using mobile or web apps must reject screen images from laptops or mobile devices. Document Realness
Key Metrics:

BPCER: < 1%
APCER: < 2%
Tampered printout of a document that was tampered using Photoshop Tampered printout

Physical valid document not present
Capture technology using mobile or web apps must reject printouts, photocopies etc. Document Realness
Key Metrics:

BPCER: < 1%
APCER: < 5%
Duplicate Faces - Attempted use of a fraudulent photo with multiple legitimate identity documents Duplicate Faces

Physical document present, but photo substituted before printing plastic document
Biometric deduplication will stop the same face from presenting multiple ID documents. Biometric Deduplication
Key Metrics:

BPCER: < 0.25%
APCER: < 0.0%
Photo paste up - Photo substitution by pasting a physical photo on an otherwise legitimate document Photo paste up

Physical document present, but photo physically substituted
Machine learning models trained to detect physical photo substitution. Biometric Deduplication
Key Metrics:

BPCER: < 1%
APCER: < 3%
Text Substitution - by whiteout or ink marker on a physical document Text Substitution

Physical document present, but text sustituted
Machine learning models trained to detect physical text tampering on ID documents. Models are specific to ID type
Key Metrics:

BPCER: < 1%
APCER: < 5%
AI Deepfake - AI generated fake digital image AI Deep Fake DO NOT ALLOW image upload. Cascading series of ML models detects anomalies in AI generated images and prevents upload Models are specific to ID type
Key Metrics:

BPCER: < 1%
APCER: < 2%
Injection Attack - Image injection using a virtual camera Injection Attack DO NOT ALLOW image upload. Capture SDKs from IDmission will disable virtual cameras.
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Face Recognition

Face Recognition

Basic Requirements for effective biometric facial recognition:
1. Detection of human face
2. Warning if multiple faces in scene
3. Warning to remove COVID masks
4. Warning to remove dark glasses
5. Face looking forward
6. Eyes open
7. Rejection of non-human faces like images of animals
8. Elimination of racial bias

Advanced Face Recognition Technology addresses numerous new and emerging attack vectors that must be detected and countered

Attack Vector Presentation Counter Measures Key Metrics
Presentation Attack - facsimile of human face (Printout, still image, video, masks, deepfakes, etc.). Presentation Attack

Physical human not present
Machine learning models trained to detect physical humans and reject any kind of facsimile. ISO 30107-3 Level 1 and Level 2 Passive Presentation Attack Detection certification from iBeta.Passive detection does not require the user to smile, turnhead, blink, or do anything at all Face Liveness
Key Metrics:

BPCER: < 1%
APCER: < 0%
Duplication Attack - Same person presenting as different individuals Duplication Attack Instant Biometric deduplication ensures one human can be one customer only. Biometric Deduplication
Key Metrics:

BPCER: < 0.25%
APCER: < 0.0%
Known Fraudster - Known Fraudsters presenting with stolen valid ID documents Known Fraudster Instant matching of each new face against a biometric library of known fraudsters Negative Biometric DB Search
Key Metrics:

BPCER: < 0.25%
APCER: < 0.0%
Facial Deepfake - Deepfakes generated by AI Facial Deep Fake DO NOT ALLOW image upload. Cascading series of ML models detects anomalies in AI generated images and prevents upload Proof of Life
Key Metrics:

BPCER: < 1%
APCER: < 0%
Injection Attack - Image injection using a virtual camera Injection Attack DO NOT ALLOW image upload. Capture SDKs from IDmission will disable virtual cameras.

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