Signature Capture & Verification

Save time and money with frictionless signature capture and verification.

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Signature Capture and Verification Overview

IDmission’s signature capture and verification solution provide companies the ability to capture new signatures as well as use existing customer signatures on file to compare against new applications and processes that are submitted. Our signature verification solution is a subset of our more comprehensive biometric identity system. We utilize our proprietary AI engine and machine learning to compare signatures and present a comparison score.

Our solution provides the ability to gain process efficiencies by using straight through processing (STP) with very limited human intervention, or none. It is an excellent solution for large enterprises who rely on signature verification to complete an approval process or sell additional products and services.



Frictionless application process by reducing the human interventions


Reducing the inefficiencies in manual signature verification process


Automated matching for significant time and cost savings

Integration Options and Advantages

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